Dear Politicians: Quit the TikTok Circus and Do Your Job

Miss Edna’s Rant: “Act Your Age and Do Your Job”

Oh, honey. Sit down, and for the love of all things good, put the phone down and the little lapel mic you are holding—especially if you’re a politician over the age of 40 and about to embarrass yourself on TikTok again. (This is for free: it’s called a lapel mic for a reason)

I have seen some foolish things in my lifetime, but this past week? Oh, this past week has taken the cake, smashed it in its own face, and then danced around like a bunch of circus clowns for millions to see.

Democrats—and let’s be honest, plenty of politicians in general—have somehow convinced themselves that the way to connect with voters is to act like a bunch of giggling high schoolers desperate for attention. And I mean desperate.

Who Told You This Was a Good Idea?

Who—who—sat down in a meeting and said, “You know what would really inspire confidence in our leadership? If we started filming ourselves dancing, lip-syncing, and doing jump cuts like a bunch of wannabe influencers.”

And the worst part? They’re not even good at it.

Nobody is watching your TikTok video and thinking, “Wow, this is the kind of person I trust to handle foreign policy and economic collapse.” No, sweet pea. They’re watching it and thinking, “What in the name of all things holy is wrong with these people?” Even other Democrats can’t stop cringing.  It just helps to reinforce that you have caused the foreign crisis and economic collapse!

 Quit “Looking” for a Connection to the voters—Just Care

Here’s the problem with all this nonsense: it’s all a show. Politicians are so busy trying to find a way to “connect” with people that it never occurs to them to just actually care.

  • ✅ You don’t have to pretend to be 20 to understand what 20-year-olds are going through.
  • ✅ You don’t have to make a fool of yourself on camera to connect with people struggling to pay rent.
  • ✅ You don’t have to do some embarrassing, off-beat TikTok dance to prove you understand the crisis at the grocery store.

You just have to care, really care. And if you have to search for a reason to relate, then you don’t really care, do you?

No, what you’re doing is performing. You’re chasing trends instead of solving problems. You’re grifting off the next buzzword instead of building a real foundation. And guess what? The American people see right through it.

 We Don’t Want Your Cringe—We Want Solutions & the Problem? 

You’ve already showed you don’t have any….you don’t want any…you just want the vote..the power!

You want to connect with voters? Fix something.

  • 🔹 Fix the economy.
  • 🔹 Fix the border.
  • 🔹 Fix the broken healthcare system. (Wasn’t that what Obamacare was for? If I recall correctly, it was someone on your side that said about the 1500 page bill “we have to vote on it to see what is in it.”  
  • 🔹 Fix the fact that everything costs twice what it did five years ago.
  • 🔹 Fix the fact that people can’t afford a house, can’t afford gas, can’t afford a life.

You know what real leadership looks like? It’s not a TikTok trend. It’s working late at night, pushing real policy, listening to the people, and actually getting things done.

But instead of doing that, here y’all are—scrolling through trends, looking for the next gimmick to latch onto, and throwing together another embarrassing attempt at being “relatable.” Bad mouthing the people that are working at fixing things.

Honey, the only thing relatable about this mess is secondhand embarrassment.

🚨 Message to Politicians: If You Don’t Care, You Won’t Fix It

You know why Americans don’t trust you? Because they know if you don’t actually care, you won’t actually fix a thing.

You’ll just rename another failed bill, throw together another government-funded NGO, and shuffle more taxpayer money into your pocket while pretending to care about the people who are actually suffering.

And that’s the real reason nobody’s buying your little internet performance, or tying to like it.

Because we know you’re acting. And we also know, the moment the next trend rolls in, you’ll drop the “cause” you pretended to care about faster than a bad stock investment.

So do us all a favor: quit the clown show and do your job.

Because if all you’ve got to offer is a poorly edited, off-beat, unfunny TikTok video, then let me tell you something, honey:

You have already lost the American people.

Miss Edna, who cringed so hard she pulled a muscle

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