“Marriage is Work? I Didn’t Sign Up for This!”

A bold text-based quote reading, "Self-awareness is free, but you seem determined to stay bankrupt." — Miss Edna, displayed on a solid background.

I thought marriage would be romantic date nights and weekend getaways—not doing laundry, cooking, and dealing with a husband who’s always tired! I work hard too—between pilates, brunch, and self-care, my days are packed! Why doesn’t he appreciate everything I do? Miss Edna, help!

Dear Mom: My House, My Rules, Quit Trying To Fix It and Me

A married couple sits in their living room, looking helplessly frustrated, while the wife’s mother stands between them with arms crossed, wearing a disapproving expression

When does ‘helping’ turn into plain old meddling? My mother seems to think my home—and my life—need her constant ‘fixing,’ whether I asked for it or not. Miss Edna, how do I get her to back off without starting World War III